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Fast Lane (SEAL Team Alpha Book 16) Page 23

  Her mouth so soft.

  The curve of her jaw so delicate. Her cheeks. The silky fall of her golden hair across her brow, the long strands sliding across the tips of her eyelashes. So female.

  Her chest grew tighter, but in a different way. She wasn’t just pretty. She was beautiful, and he was insane to even think about walking away from this.

  They left the command center, the compound quiet, heavily guarded.

  He wanted to kiss her, really kiss her, his tongue in her mouth, her hands in his hair, and that was so crazy that it worried him. She was different from any of his other . . . conquests.

  As a Tier 1 guy, he had his pick of women.

  But, with Rose, he didn’t want to go fast. He must be either crazy tired or just plain crazy. Fuck, he didn’t even know her, and if she was half as smart as he thought she was, she sure as hell wouldn’t want to know him—and he didn’t blame her. He was no catch even on a good day, and even if she could overlook the fact that he was the kind of guy who liked to keep his life loose, she deserved more.

  But the thought of holding her in the dark, feeling her hands on him, and listening to her breathe, had crossed his signals. He wanted something from her—something he just couldn’t figure out.

  Loneliness, that was probably his problem, but he was lonely all the time. He just needed to get laid. That was the simple answer—but nothing was simple anymore.

  He wanted her, a feeling he was getting so damn tired of fighting.

  “This is me.” She indicated the nondescript door and the flat uninteresting building that held a bed. Someplace where he could submerge himself in her.

  “Take care of yourself, Rose. I’m sure we’ll see each other again.”

  Her smile was sad as she nodded. “Hazard of the job,” she said, trying for a joke.

  He was sad too. He wanted to touch her, but that would lead where he was trying to avoid going. So, he turned on his heel and walked away.


  Naval Medical Center, San Diego, California, One week later

  Professor didn’t hesitate to enter Adrian “Rock” Lane’s room. His CO…former CO was lying on his back in the bed, his broken pelvis making it difficult to do anything until the bones fully knitted together. His mom and dad were going to bring him home with them once he was discharged from the hospital. Professor offered his parents assistance in getting Rock to physical therapy. He turned his face toward the door. “Professor,” he said.

  Rock had woken up a week ago, and he’d been told about his wife and daughters and about his extensive injuries. It was clear he was still struggling with the news. Professor couldn’t imagine waking up and finding out your whole life had changed so drastically from losing your whole family.

  He'd gone to Cambridge after he had left Landstuhl, Germany. He had visited his parents, but they had been icy and unwelcoming. He cut his trip short and came back home. That’s how he thought about San Diego and Coronado. These SEALs were his brothers, and they were all of like mind.

  They understood why he served.

  Bitter with his own internal demons, Professor sat down next to the bed. “How you doing, Rock?”

  “Don’t call me that,” he said. “I’m no longer a SEAL, so no sir, LT, or Rock…please.”

  Professor wanted to tell him he’d always be a SEAL, a part of their family. He’d always be their Rock. But he’d have to figure that out on his own. “Okay, Adrian.”

  “They’re discharging me tomorrow. I have a lot of PT to do until I can even walk. I used to run a fucking 4:15 mile. Now, I can’t even get up to go to the bathroom.”

  “Man, you’ve got to give it some time.”

  Roc— Adrian nodded. He was quiet for a moment. “I dream about them sometimes,” he said, his voice breaking. “I look at pictures and they’re frozen in time. It’s unbearable that I will never see my daughters grow up.” He exhaled heavily. “Hey, will you take me to their graves sometime when you get a chance?”

  “Of course. We’re all here for you. Just tell me when you’re ready to go.”

  He nodded again. Suddenly, Professor’s phone jangled, and he looked down at it. He was spinning up.

  Adrian nodded and said, “You’ve got to go. Take care of yourself and tell those knuckle draggers to toe the line with the new CO. Hoo-yah,” he whispered.

  Professor couldn’t get Adrian off his mind as he drove to base. He wasn’t looking forward to meeting or taking orders from a new CO. In the cages, he changed into his BDUs. When he entered the briefing room, there was an unfamiliar man standing with Colonel Cole. Gator gave him a nod. Blitz, D-Day, Zorro, Buck, and Bear were all seated around the table. Bear’s MWD, Flint, a pure black Malinois was laying at his feet. He lifted his head, his dark muzzle as black as his intelligent eyes.

  “Now that we’re all assembled . . .” Cole turned to the man. “I’d like you all to meet Elias ‘Joker’ Jackman.” There was a soft murmur in the room and Professor knew why. Joker, his new CO, was the son of the legendary SEAL David Jackson, who was now an admiral in charge of the whole fleet. On top of that, he was a descendant of one of only five men to hold five stars—his great-great-grandfather, who had commanded ships in World War II. He was Navy royalty.

  “Listen up,” Joker said. “We’re heading to Niger for a six-month deployment on a peacekeeping mission.”

  Professor gritted his teeth. He wanted to be here for Adrian, and now he wasn’t going to be able to help. He’d have to make sure he contacted Adrian’s parents and alerted Hemingway. Hemingway and his team would step up for Rock. Then he could take off for West Africa without worry and under the command of their wonder boy CO.

  He hated him already.

  Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, San Diego, California, Three months later

  Solace returned the salute of the corporal who had retrieved her car for her. She was in a hurry today, bursting with excitement and happiness. “Have a good weekend, ma’am,” he said.

  “I will. I’m getting married and taking a short honeymoon. I’ll be back to bust your butts on Wednesday.” Solace had gotten an honorable discharge from the Army and the Nightstalkers. She had then turned around and enlisted in the Marines. With her rank now a Warrant Officer 2, she was a commissioned officer. Her Special Forces training and experience as a Nightstalker made her a shoo-in for her current MOS, training Marine helicopter pilots. Fast Lane teased her mercilessly about being in the Navy now.

  “Yes, ma’am. Congratulations.”

  He closed the door, and she headed to the salon, got her hair, nails, and toes done. Then she headed home. As she pulled up in the driveway, Fast Lane’s grandpa was walking up to the door with a tux and Fast Lane’s dress blues. They were going to look amazing in them. She couldn’t wait. Her parents had declined the invitation. They refused to be part of a second marriage to the same man. That’s when Fast Lane’s sweet grandfather had offered to walk her down the aisle.

  Fast Lane was spending the night with Saint and Aella, his chosen best man. Her cell rang as she slipped through the door. “Thanks, Grandpa,” she murmured as she put the phone to her ear. “You aren’t supposed to see the bride before the wedding.”

  “Technically, I’m not seeing you. I just wanted to tell you that I can’t wait until tomorrow.”

  “Me either. The first time around, it was the justice of the peace. Now it will be a Navy chaplain at Camp Pendleton Pacific Views. I don’t know how you pulled that off.”

  “That’s classified.” She could hear his grin through the phone. “I’ll see you tomorrow, babe. I assume you’ll be the gorgeous looker in white.”

  “Maybe. I’m sure I’m not that predictable.”

  He chuckled and hung up. There had only ever been one man for her.

  Solace could barely sleep that night, but she finally drifted off. She woke to a beautiful day, and it was a whirlwind of getting ready. She’d bonded with Mak, Anna, Shea, and Chry. Chry and 2-Stroke had gotten married the
month before. Now those ladies were acting as her bridesmaids, with Rose as her maid of honor.

  When they got to the venue, the sun was still bright in a now cloudless sky. Very Southern California. The breeze off the panoramic ocean waters cooled them, taking the fragrance of the flowers on the wind.

  Around them were nearly a hundred people, frothy decorations, and a quartet of bridesmaids and groomsmen all dressed in their pristine white. The woman did have good taste. When the music cued up, all he could focus on was his center of the universe ready to declare her love for him.

  He was going to make room in his life for her. In his house and in his bed. There wouldn’t be a dull moment with her. He glanced at the waterfront filled with family and friends. Last time, the ceremony was over so fast. This time it was an all-out military spectacle.

  She took his breath away, her gown a vision in soft pale gold, fitted and decidedly Romanesque, and showing off a body he hungered for. On her shoulders were fringe, mimicking the Navy’s penchant for fringe on uniforms of the high ranking. She was that in his book. He would just settle for his lieutenant bars.

  It was the look in her eyes that sent him into a tailspin. Absolute love, faith, trust. He could conquer anything if she just kept looking at him like that.

  They exchanged rings, and he was so touched when she produced the diamond ring that he had given her. She slipped on his band, and he laced his fingers with hers, neither of them really listening until the chaplain declared them married.


  He leaned in. “It’s about time,” he murmured. She laughed softly, and he kissed her, sealing a vow to the only woman he’d ever loved. He had always realized how incomplete he was without her. She was the missing piece in his life, part of his soul he’d lost.

  Loud cheers surrounded them as she drew back, and he recognized that mischievous gleam in her eyes. “What exactly is going on in there?” he asked.

  “We’re going swimming,” she said. “I brought the necessary garments.”

  “Aren’t you a tricky one. Too bad we can’t skinny dip.” He waggled his brows.

  “Ooh, naughty. I like that about you.”

  “You’ll like me plenty tonight,” he said with promise.

  She sighed. “I guess I’ll have to perform my wifely duties. What a chore.”

  The reception was so much fun. Dodger was walking around and did a little dancing, Anna looking up at him with so much love in her eyes. Then there was Max and Renata; Pitbull with his just-showing wife, Mak, and his daughter, Samantha; Dragon and Jo, also pregnant showing a little more than Mak; Hemingway and Shea—he had recovered like a boss and moved as if he’d never been wounded; Saint and Aella, the woman entertaining them by arm wrestling anyone who would take her on; and Chry and 2-Stroke. It felt good to be free of Zasha’s and Angar Said’s threats. Except that Fast Lane knew how the world worked, and SEALs wouldn’t be out of a job anytime soon.

  Then later on, after eating and some time had passed, everyone changed into their bathing suits, and it turned into a beach party with volleyball and a bonfire.

  He and Solace slipped away as the fire was dying down. He kissed her several times…against the car, right outside the sumptuous Coronado Hotel, in the elevator, until they finally got to their room.

  Solace disappeared into the bathroom and when she came out, he felt like the luckiest man in the world.

  She passed the balcony and opened the doors wide, the voluminous gown she wore completely see-through. She turned to find Fast Lane completely naked, fully erect, deliciously ripped. She wanted to lick every inch of him. She remembered how she had joked at the ceremony about her tedious wifely duties.

  “I’d say that someone is very happy to see me,” she said, walking over and curling her hand around his thick erection.

  He groaned softly in his throat, and she leaned into all that glorious muscle, closing her eyes, reveling in the pulsing length of him as she pumped him once, then twice.


  She opened her eyes and looked at him, saturated in sensation, her pulse thick and heavy. He was staring at her, his hot gaze for her alone. She leaned in and kissed him, opening her mouth to take his taste and heat deep inside her.

  She pushed him back onto the bed and lifted up her filmy gown as she straddled all that pulsing power and slid onto him. They both groaned at the exquisite feel.

  “You’re not complaining now,” he growled.

  “It’s not only my duty,” she whispered, “It’s my pleasure.”

  “No,” he countered. “It’s mine.”

  He flipped her onto her back and pumped into her until their bodies were slick with sweat, and he’d made her come multiple times before he’d finally let himself take his own pleasure.

  The sound of his release gave her immense satisfaction.

  Exhausted, she curled against him, her eyes drifting shut, loving the feel of falling asleep in his arms. She would have a lifetime of this, their future stretched ahead of them.

  And she’d saved the best for last. “Ford,” she whispered. “We’re going to have a baby. I’m pregnant.”

  He smiled against the soft skin of her face. “Is that so? I’m going to be a daddy, huh?”

  “Yeah, you ready for that?”

  “I am ready for anything you can throw at me.”

  “You sure?”

  The light came on and he stared down at her. “That was a serious tone. What’s wrong? The baby?”

  She sat up and wrapped her arms around him. “No. I just never got a chance to tell you or maybe I didn’t want to. But I was pregnant on that mission to Nigeria, and I didn’t know it. I…lost—”

  “Fuck, Solace. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “We had that terrible fight, then we…lost each other.” She rested her head against his jaw, his arm around her. “All of that is in the past, and we have a new life to nurture and grow. There isn’t anyone I want to raise children with except you. We’ll be happy now. Secure in our love. Because I so love you, Ford, with everything I am.”

  “Ah, babe, you disarm me and charm me and make me so goddamned happy.”

  He turned off the light, and they snuggled down onto the mattress. She was at peace with the hope of the future ahead of them. She and Ford were going to make it this time…and make it forever.

  Thank you for reading! Don’t miss the next book in the SEAL Team Alpha series. Up next is Professor. Feeling the loss of his CO and the recent events of his last mission, Professor is struggling and working hard at coming to terms with it all. Add into the mix, Julia Whittley and the unrequited feelings he has for her makes this deployment to Niger as volatile as it can be. Once things start to heat up and get out of hand, Professor and Julia will have to reconcile with their past and present and see if they have a future together.


  BO - Basic Orientation (BUD/S)

  BUD/S - Basic Underwater Demolitions/SEAL training

  Comm - The equipment that SEALs use to communicate with each other in the field.

  CO - Commanding Officer

  CTT - Combat Training Tank

  DEVGRU - The United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group (NSWDG), formerly SEAL Team Six

  DoD - Department of Defense

  DOR - Drop on Request

  DZ - Drop zone, the targeted area for parachutists.

  HALO - High altitude, low opening jump from an aircraft.

  HVT - High value target

  IBS - Inflatable Boat, Small

  IED - Improvised Explosive Device

  Klicks - Shortened word for kilometers.

  LRRP - Long-range reconnaissance patrol.

  LT - Nickname for lieutenant.

  LZ - Landing Zone where aircraft can land.

  Merc - Mercenary - guns for hire.

  MWD - Military Working Dog

  MRE - Meals, Ready-to-Eat, portable in pouches and packed with calories, these packaged meals are used in the field. />
  NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

  NCIS - Naval Criminal Investigative Service

  NWU - Navy Working Uniform

  OIC - Officer in Charge

  REACT - Regional Enforcement Action Capabilities Team

  RIB - Rigid Inflatable Boat

  RPG - Rocket Propelled Grenade

  R&R - Rest and Relaxation

  Tango -Hostile combatants.

  SERE -Stands for survival, evasion, resistance, escape. The principles of avoiding the enemy in the field.

  Six - Military speak for watching a man’s back.

  SO - Special Operator

  SPIES - Special Patrol Insertion & Extraction System

  UDT - Underwater Demolitions Team

  About the Author

  Zoe Dawson lives in North Carolina, one of the friendliest states in the US. She discovered romance in her teens and has been spinning stories in her head ever since. Her heroes are sexy males with a disregard for danger and whether reluctant, gung-ho, or caught up in the action, show their hearts of gold.

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  Her imagination runs wild with romances from sensual to scorching including romantic comedy, new adult, romantic suspense, small town, and urban fantasy. Look below to explore the many avenues to her writing. She believes it’s all about the happily ever afters and always will.

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  Thanks for reading and joining me on this wonderful journey!